Thursday, May 31, 2007

I look like hell (I think)

I look like hell, my face look tired, my eyes has darkcircles...and top it all, there 3 pimples on my forehead (at my age, that is pure embarassment, so juvenille!). I blame it on some hormone screw-up because last nite i found myself crying for no good reason.

OK, maybe i have things to cry about - but hey, i'm hanging in there.

The past 48 hours of working on another proposal (u're gonna here a lot on "proposals" on my blog these days) have taken its toll on me. And yesterday i had to go to a 'fee negotiation' meeting alone without Jill. I take that as my weakest point, i'm so gullible (if you have tips to offer, leave a comment please).

Anne: I have taken into account the fact that you are a non profit you can see we have significatly dicounted the fee from our normal rates...

Client: But still, this is too bosses are going to jump out of their skin

Anne: What range of figure are you looking at, may be we can start from there

Client: We have volunteers at hand to help you..

Anne (to self): (Volunteers...volunteers...what will i do with a bunch of volunteers.)

Anyway, it didnt get anywhere. They'll call me back.

Pending that, i'm gonna put on some concealers and meet some friends for lunch, window shopping and maybe catch 'Pirates' if there's tickets.


Anonymous said...

anne: im gullible too! would definitely sucks at marketing. that's why i can only bake not sell cakes/cookies. to sell them, have to liaise with my sisters.

erm..definitely no tips from me. hehe

oh btw, im with u abt the acne suffering from pimple attacks too. sakit hati tgk muka org lain at this age licin gebu dan berseri.


i hate negotiations too...too much kesian factor....

so did u get 2 see pirates?

anne said...

syana & eddy; maybe we are just nice people kan (hehe)

eddy - going to see pirates tonite, definetly coz i dah beli tickets (re new post);-)