Monday, March 12, 2007

The Tagg

Mr. M tagged me for this challenge…. tell 6 weird things about myself on my own blog... , then i need to choose 6 people to be tagged, leave them a comment on their blogs.So here goes mine:

6 things you don't know about me...(not necessarily weird)

1. When I’m stressed at work, I talk to myself.

2. I don’t like sugar….not for weight control or diet reasons…since small, I would make a big deal if someone put sugar in my drink.

3. I am a natural procrastinator (but I’m trying hard to fight it)!

4. I have a very low tolerance level for cold temperatures. If I sleep with the fan or aircond on the whole night, I will wake up feverish.

5. I almost always have a hot shower. If the water heater is not working I would rather put the kettle on and wait then brave the cold shower. This behaviour has no correlation with the room/ outside temperature!!!

6. I watch Akademi Fantasia religiously, from the first season.

The 6 chosen ones:

1. Cik Dory

2. Alex

3. Javard

4. Syana

5. Lollies

6. Wahdi


Anonymous said...

hehehe ... wil do mine later today ;-) wudn't call wot u hv weird but a bit eccentric la, esp. point # 5 ;-)

anne said...

lx...well, i'm not THAT weird, hehe..r U?;-)

Anonymous said...

kena buat ke? ish ish ish.

anne said...

dory, tak la...not if you dont want to...ish ish

SIM said...

ha....i agree with u on #1...have witnessed it many many times!

Anonymous said...

Hi Anne,
Ur writing now seems to shout a new u.
I likee...


anne said...

Sim, hahaha....!that's one thing u wont miss i guess.

cik lari....a new me? the same me i think, just happier;-)!

Cik Ana said...

anne, i will do the challenge aftr my sis wedding. hehe. busy giler since me buat her cakes etc.

oraits? bye2

Lollies said...

you talk to yourself when stress? ni mesti kes membebel ni

eh i dah buat dah tag ni. he he baru je last two weeks kot

anne said...

syana, baking again...nanti post pictures ok... ke, nanti i look it up..tak membebel la...literally talk to myself...;-)