Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Dead Tired

This morning, i woke up on the sofa, dressed in what i wore to work yesterday. I must have been dead tired. Running errands mostly, not so much the work. I was running around settling some car loan matters in the morning, then after work i was shopping for my sis, and some stuff for the car.

I'm going home to rest now.


Vernon Kedit said...

I wrote the book on "How To Wake Up In The Morning On Your Sofa In The Clothes You Wore Yesterday".

Welcome to the club!

bertique said...

haha .. jgn keje teruk2 .. life is not about work ;)


anne said...

J..ok,ok....i'm trying to "cool down" since i'm counting days already...but bosess lagi kasi project baru...

Mr. M...can i have an autographed copy?,....hehe

bertique...cant argue with that;-)

bertique said...

hehe .. so camna life tanpa 9-6 work commitment u? ok ka?

btw, re ur comment in my blog. sporadic dots means those who i've not meet ;), connected dots tuh ialah list blogger yg i dah jumpa ..

so biler nak minum kopi sesama?

anne said...

bert: belum lagi la, still serving notice period.

re the "dot: - ya, i figured as much...we have coffee soon, so that i can be upgarded to connected dots. this weeknd busy la...

Jill Yusoff said...

Nobody ask me for coffee anymore :(

Vernon Kedit said...

And I agree with Bertique. And might I add; work hard, play hard.

bertique said...

anne, ooo still working la .. tak pe, serving notice = out already la hehe.

bila kita mengkopi, ajak jill skali .. orait?

jill, jom ikut seisi mengkopi .. date TBC - anne to proposed.

mr manager, i think we work hard - but play harder .. hehe kan?
