Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Baby Steps

I came across this "quote" at a blog.....

“Do things you are good at and things that will make you happy instead of carrying out tasks and chores that you can tolerate just because you have to pay the bills...”

This current job, it started out as a major step forward. It was what i wanted....i had career targets, and this opportunity presented itself ahead of its time. When reality checks in, i figured i was in the right job, but surrounded by the wrong environment, support system and above all people. I was determined to put that aside, i'm on to something, focus on the goal...

But i cant fight the realities, i am tolerating....and i dont know if i can or want to tolerate this anymore. Off peak periods was fun initially, but perpetual "off-peaks"...its killing me. And i hate the just aint my game. Some environment/ people bring out the best in me...and this is not one of them.

Now i have 2 choices.....jump ship or jump into the sea.

Sometimes, it takes some desperation to push you to take some steps. Today and yesterday i took some baby steps, i dont know where it will lead me, but it feels good to do something.


That aside, i'm off the Bangkok tomorrow for work, and hopefully find time for pleasure;-). Be back next week!


bertique said...

i can push u into the sea ;).

anyway, life is always about making choices. we dont have the choice of what we want to do, but we always have the choice of how to do it.

so long that we are happy, that's the right choice .. at that point of time.

good luck, with whatever choices that you ought to make.

Vernon Kedit said...

You wrote..."Sometimes, it takes some desperation to push you to take some steps."

I write..."Isn't this cry from the heart already the first sign of desperation?"

Anne, get blasted in Bangkok, then come back refreshed and jump ship.

NEVER stay in a position that makes you less human. Live your life fully. You only have one. You only have now.

Vernon Kedit said...

Here's an admonition by Thoreau:

“How vain it is to sit down to write, when you have not stood up to live.” - Henry David Thoreau, 1817 - 1862


Lollies said...

oh tell me about the baby step. exhilarating?

Anonymous said...

hey anne .. hope ur having a great time in BKK! Enjoy the sights and the spas.

Be in a job you love ... only when you discover the joy of applying yourself and seeing fruition from your actions do you begin to realise that environment is secondary. Look after the top dog, which is you and results will follow ;-)

Halley said...

Me in the same boat too. The company sucks especially the HR. But my boss who is a saint, more like a friend than a boss.

The job itself is great if we don't have a number of moron working with us.

anne said...

bert: thanks. I'm having a tough time choosing...wish me luck deciding.

sleeps: couldnt find time for spa, and halal food was mainly arabic, not thai:-(

mr.manager: thanks! managed to relieve some stress in Bangkok. and i hear you!!!

lollies: me & jill have something planned, but it's risky - u know commitments. So i have to take some baby steps first..working on it.

alex: Hi..from one topdog to another ;-). I agree, the job i love, but the environment tho secondary is becoming overwhelmingly irritating. I have put up with it for the sake of the job....

halley:yup, i guess its always that way.

J: thanks....i am still surviving! Bangkok was fun. U take care too and hope u like it down-under;-)