If you've been catching up with the latest news, you'll know about Mamula Moon!. For those who don't, Mamula Moon is a song. The hot news around town is that our very own Negaraku is melodically "ciplak"ed from Mamula Moon. We all know that Negaraku was taken from Perak's state anthem named Terang Bulan....no wonder. The song is of western origin, i dont remember which island (but it does sound a bit "islandic"). You can take a listen at this link. ttp://www.malaysiantime.com/ (sorry, belum pandai link the mp3 directly, so you have to go to the site and click PLAY at the top right hand corner)
Ramli MS a.k.a Cikgu Ramli for the AF fans is proposing that we come up with a new song, to make it ours, truly Malaysian. I don't know. Mamula Moon or not that's the Negaraku we learnt by heart, that we sang at all those school assemblies. Can we overnite just announce...look people, here's your new national anthem. While I can appreciate the rationale, i think i'll stick to the familiar; tho i kind of like the "pakar IT, pakar ekonomi" song.....wakkakaka. imagine if that is our national anthem.
What do you think?
But the ones we learnt by heart was the ones with the old beat. The new beat is so tak beat.....
I kindda like the idea of a new song... well maybe try changing the beat again for a more patriotic sounding.. as for lyrics.. I wish it would stay the same... Negaraku.. tanah tumpahnya darahku.... rakyat hidup bersatu dan maju....
I am liking the "pakar IT, pakar ekonomi" song. heheh
shalimar - yup, Ramli MS proposed to retain lyrics too
dora - he..he, i am not alone. imagine someone winning an olympic model and the world stand up to that song..hahaha
oops, i mean olympic medal!
hi anne. heard you just came back from qatar? how is the place? love to know
tak pahamle what's the hoohaa over lagu NEGARAKU. okay apa lagu tu...
i personnally think that instead of changing the national anthem, the authority should make sure that malaysian citizens tau lagu tu.
kat my eldest kid's kindergarten, adaka bebudak tu nanyi... "negaraku, tanah tumpahnye lalaku, layat idop, bersatu dan maju, lamat bagia, tuhan kurniakan, laja kita selamat berkata...." sedih tul mendengarnye!
what do you want to know? i'll try to do a short posting for you soon ok, got to run.
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