Monday, March 20, 2006

I prayed for help.......and help came. I was grateful, but then i got worried. If i accept too much help, than am i expected to give back in return. Would being grateful deprive me of honesty and sincerity? Should we always question other people's motives?

May be i think to much.........may be a thank you will do.


Jill Yusoff said...

what happen? what happen? email me.

anne said...

ahhh nekbat, the beauty of blogging is you dont have to tell all....ahaks.

Lollies said...

ha ha ha to anne's reply.

so sapa yang menolong tu? jantan? hutang budi gadai body. heh heh.

i think a good hearty thank yous would do if the person is sincere. otherwise belanja makanlah

anne said...

lolls - hahaha...thanks for the suggestion, maybe i should belanja makan

w-heart - speaking from experience lah ni..

Anonymous said...

wei... setuju dengan lollies.. hutang budi bayar body!!!

why is it that everytime people help us we are expected to give back? "in consideration of your help, i undertake to:-

a) sleep with you.
b) marry you."

tak boleke a simple thank you?

anne said...

achik - he..he "by default" undertaking!

Penglipur Lara said...

Everything that happens in life has a reason behind it. Just thank God when it happens, good or bad, who are we to decide?

anne said...

thanks liza...couldnt agree more

Anonymous said...

appreciation in any form is a virtue ;-)

anne said...

alex, what a noble thot....:-)