Car A had trouble with brakes, hit car B, car B hit car C. Car C got hit at the back, but hit no one.
I am car C.
There I was leaving the office early to meet up my Sis who just arrived KL for her medical. I promised Mum to visit her at Abang Az's house in Subang, while Mum & Dad is visiting Abang An in Melawati.
Technically, Car A is responsible for Car B, and car B is liable for my damages. But car B had bigger plans. Car A started all this mess, so car A should pay for B & C's damages. A is a bit of a blur, so B and me had to stand there in the drizzling rain explaining the disadvantages of filing an insurance claim - RM300 fine, loss NCB. Car A & B had it pretty bad, but my boot was slightly dented, and the bumper closed in slightly more than it should. Nothing was decided, so we exchanged cards and numbers.
This morning I learned that the police report need to be logdged within 24 hours of the accident. So lunchtime i rushed to get a quote - RM150 to fix the fender bender. B called to say A figured he cant afford the RM500 each to pay for A & B's damages and wants to file an insurance claim. B wants me to talk to A on whose going to pay my RM150. What the hey, i told B if I go lodge a police report he will be fined for my case, not A.
I finally had to call A and A was still a blur asking what do I recommend he does to settle this. I said that should be sorted with B. A was telling his sad story that B wants him to be responsible for my losses. A then agreed to pay for RM100, and ask me to get the RM50 from B.
B was on standby for my call. B is the "smart-one" who figure it all out. He will lodge police report on A, but not mention he hit C. That way he wont be fined, and he got A to pay the bulk of damages to C as well.
I am about to let go of my car (C) soon - trade in with another, so i dont really have to fix this. I told B to get the money from A, add on his share and send it to me. B had the chic to ask what if he runs away with the money (he didnt have his card on him yesterday, so i only had his phone number). But before i could conjure up some snazzy reply, he gave me his office address, which is almost next to mine. We'll see what happens...if the money comes, i'll fix it. If it doesnt, i'll let it be.
I have already so many things in my head as it is.....