Monday, August 14, 2006

Anne is under the weather...

Come to think of it, how did that expression come about? Anyone....?

After two 7-hour bus rides, i'm not feeling too good today. I am feverish and weak. I turned up at an all-important client meeting this morning looking like hell.

But it was all worth it. Mum and Dad did not say how elated they are to have me and Chik back home running errands and fussing over them, but they dont have to....i know they were happy. And it made it all worth the journey, and the after effect....

Me and 2 bros have agreed to take turns going home to be with mum and dad, so there'll be more of such weekend trips.....insyallah!


Jill Yusoff said...

they must have been talking about the monsoon or winter when the expression came about. all grey, and drabby and gloomy :(
it's always worth it visiting the folks. lonely for them at their age. wonder who will be fussing over us in the twilight years. huhuhhuhu. get better quick.

anne said...

jill, i agree...a brit must have coined the expression. And dont remind me, at least you'll have jack!

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » » »