Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Notes for Lollies

Dear Lollies,

Sorry for the late reply......reasons i have explained in my previous posting.

About Doha. I didnt really have a good time there, my routine was apartment - office - apartment from early morning to midnight, so i didnt really get to see much. The easiest way to get around is if you rent a car. The part of Doha where i stayed was really crappy, but there are some nice areas with nice view of the sea up-town and around city center, which is more modern and cosmopolitan looking. The city is growing and the development in progress looks pretty impressive.

Food was difficult while i was there because it was Ramadhan and shops are closed until about 8p.m. Expect briyanis, kebabs and curries. There are supermarket like Carrefour in the city center. The exchange rate is almost dollar to dollar, 1 Qatar Riyal : 1 ringgit. There are souks (bazaar) which should be good for tourist shopping - i didnt get to visit any though. Generally everything is expensive, though i was told clothes are slightly cheaper than KL at stores like Zara, MNG. ( i did buy a few Zara stuff ;-) ). There's a Dessert Safari which is supposed to be a must-see.

My experience in Doha and Bahrain, they are not as tourist friendly as Malaysia. Language is not a big problem as most of them understand English, just be patient coz the "slang" of malaysian english and arabic english - message gets lost along the way.

Qatar is quite a strict islamic country, but you wont find any problems. I find them very female friendly.....banks has special counters for ladies, airport immigration has special queues and waiting lounge for ladies.

Post a question if you need to know anything else, but like i said i didnt get to experience much of Doha except for the 4 walls of the apartment and office.


Lollies said...

errr, in case you don't know I'll be moving to Qatar next month. so what to ask eh?

what should I wear is probably a good start. Perhaps that should start the ball rolling.

thanks anne, beforehand.

anne said...

hey lollies,

you are moving there, i didnt know that. i hope you'll like it there. go with an open mind, and i'm sure you'll find things you'll like.

it gets cold this time of the year, not as cold as england but temperature can fall to 20 or less in the gets chilly especially when its windy.Unless you want to bring winterclothes from KL, you can get stuff here at reasonable prices depending where you shop.

You wear tudung? I dont, and i survived...qatari ladies who do wear tudung tend to wear black ones, with black abaya's - the outer jubah, and they wear anything inside,younger women wear jeans under their abayas.

i might have to spend a day or 2 in Qatar next month for work...

all the best for your move

Lollies said...

i don't wear tudung I am just wondering whether I'll get stared at or they'd find it strange that a muslim does not don one. And my baju, errr, I am not sure what kind is ok there.

Do you think I should get many loose blouses? what did u wear for work?

badrul said...

happy belated birthday anne... sorry sebab lambat sikit...

anne said...


i wore basically pant suits to work. Casual pun i wear a t-shirt with a jacket on top. i was told any asia looking person the locals will mistake for a Filipino.,,which is not a good thing coz it has a 'sleazy' connotation if you catch my drift. so, maybe a good thing to be slightly on the conservative side.

anne said...


ahhh, terharunya. thanks for you wish.