Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Amazing Race Asia 3

The third season begins today. Yayy!. I always enjoy following the races. This round you will find these two familiar faces representing the Malaysian teams.

Bernie Chan.........................................................Ida Nerina


Miss Quixotically Quirky said...

Hi Kak Anis,

I wanna root for Ida and the Korean brothers

MOLY said...

sib baik team malaysia x terkeluar lagi ..

bess bess !!
tp memang tough !!

x sabar nak tunggu yg seterusnya

Anonymous said...


My bet will be to Bernie and her bro.. or maybe the Korean Guys (look energetic). BTW i confused ida nerina makan ke katak and those strange exotic insect and pest..

Tapi overall memang best..

Y u Z z 9071 said...

setiap hari apa eh kak anne..

yuzz pun enjoy this reality game

anne said...

renjuna, nampak macam makan je tapi tak tau la insect mana dia makan.....

yuzz...every khamis, ulangan sabtu rasanya