Tuesday, February 06, 2007

i'm bored

For the past 2 days, i've been working at a client's office up in Tower 2 KLCC. As i am in the handing over stage, there's not much to do. I am so bored. Lucky the whole floor is on WIFI.

To make matters worse, 4 of us are sharing this small roundtable...such proximity...hmm..too close for comfort.

The thing is our security passes is not ready yet, so we are pretty much confined to this small project room. Just not the wifi got disconnected, my team members went for a meeting, and i was bored out of my wits, and decided to take pictures of KL

7 days and counting to 'Freedom At Work'.


Anonymous said...

buy my cookies and share them with your clients ;-)

Anonymous said...

buy my cookies and share them with your clients ;-)

Cik Ana said...

anne, ur wokrplace is at KLCC eh? wahh.. syoknye.

i bet u could see me waving frantically from my granddad's house when im in KL. *lol*

Anonymous said...

hang in there, anne.

Anonymous said...

jangan lah kerja teruk sangat... nia!

Vernon Kedit said...

for some odd reason, i just get the creeps every time i'm in either tower.

anne said...

Lx...that's an idea, but i dont want to pamper them with me leavin and all...;-)

Syana...taklah, only for a week - client's office.

Cik Lari...yes..trying hard...

Nia...nia..HK nia?

Mr. M...if you dont think and start to contemplate what might happen, u'll be ok. hehe