Anne goes shopping!!Saturday morning I was supposed to have a breakfast meeting with Dory, just to catch up after my long 3 weeks’ commitment to exams….and also talk business. But Dory had to cancel…she has more important stuff to do before flying off overseas.
So, I decided to go shopping…yelah tengah Mega Sale kan. Can’t even recall when was the last time I join the Mega sale crowd. I hate going to crowded shopping complexes……but what to do, I work weekdays (unlike some lucky people…..;-) )
I got a list done up and all……this is serious! Usually, if I go out with friends, it’s just for window shopping, or if I stumble upon something I like, I’ll get it. But today, I was on mission – so this I do best alone. After a Mekdi breakfast, I hit the stores.
I got myself a pair of shoes for work, underwear for me and mum, a shirt for dad, moisturizer for me…Tak banyak pun, but the browsing, selection, trying, deciding process….after 4.5 hours I couldn’t take it anymore. My feet was hurting, my pinggang was aching bigtime. I was telling myself I used to be able to do this for 8 hours…yelah, tu zaman muda-muda …ahaks. Banyak lagi item belum dapat; but I went home and lie down.
The AF Final ConcertIf you have been watching, this is probably the worst out of the 4 seasons Akademi Fantasia has been on air. Being the loyal fan that I am, of course la tengok jugak kan. I called my mom a few minutes before the concert just to remind her to tune in.
Big mistake, huge,……some commotion was going on at home. Sally was on some kind of strike. (Yup, Sally the indon maid). She insists that she wants to stop work and leave. The reason being in Indonesia she only sweep and mop floors twice a week, and she cant stand the fact that mum wants her to do it everyday. (I’ve seen her clean, ok….my nephew can do a better job). It was ridiculous trying to make sense and rationalize with someone with an IQ of 3! I was shouting at her and slammed down the phone. And the concert has started…..
Just when I thot things have calmed down, and my life is back to normal.