Friday, June 02, 2006

I'm Going Home

Frantic day at the office, rushing for deadlines, meetings, clearing this and that, replying mails, running here and there, set the Out of Office Reply and shut down!. I'm going on leave Monday and Tuesday, and as much as i dont care what the bosses think of me, i dont want other people to get in trouble while i'm away....

Anyways, i thot i got everything covered...i was already driving towards the hiway, then OMG...i didnt give THE FILE to Faez!!!! "Shooot!. Everyone has left. I said hi to Harry before i left....i called Harry. thank god, Harry is always the first to leave, of all days today Harry was working late (Phew!!!) Saved me a trip back.

I'm all packed now, for another express bus trip home.Mum's going for an eye operation on Monday. I pray all will go well. Auvoir!!


bertique said...

oh! i pun cuti mon + tuesday. sama la kita ;)

moga2 ur mom selamat ya ..

Jill Yusoff said...

hope both mom and the family will be okay. we'll have coffee when u come back.

Lollies said...

prayers for your mum.

when i work dulu, one of my colleagues is my neighbour. I express milk tau (u know from the breast) and put it in the office fridge. So kalau I terlupa nak bawak balik, I mintak dia tolong ambikkan. Tengoklah muka jantan tu ambik botol susu isi susu aku. ha ha ha

anne said...

bert...takkan baru report duty dah cuti kut? Thanks for your wishes

jill...thanks! look forward to coffee

lollies...thanks! ya, i know where you express milk from, where else....hahaha. Mesti that guy lega you ambik loooong leave..hehehe