Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The past 1 week, i have been.....


Sepatutnya dah habis projek 'interview' tu. i was expecting a breather sambil buat marketing work with Jill and settle personal stuff. On the first day i thought i boleh relax sikit, i got a phone call. Client yang sama nak kasi projek baru. Kelam kabut buat meetings and discussions, mula-mula rasa tak nak buat, but rezeki jangan ditolak. Survival babe, alhamdullilah.

Belum pun habis settle hal2 projek baru ada invitation untuk proposal lain pulak. Projek ni agak besar, and i cant do it with Jill. Kelam kabut cari freelance people to form a team. Now tengah kelam kabut nak finish the proposal by friday.

Sebenarnya, the past 1 year has taught me jangan harap. All these proposal submissions build up hope, just to let you down later. Then frust giler sebab all the effort that went into it. Tapi i know, if i dont send in, how do we even stand a chance. That's the way the consulting business is. Like i said, i've learned not to hope. Tipulah kalau sikit pun tak angan2. Doa jugak tapi tak harap sangatlah.


Been hanging out at The Curve mostly sebab Jill malas nak drive up all the way to my place. And yes....kerja banyak, makan pun banyak.....

and, last but not least...


Dalam busy2, usaha mendapatkan balik duit mesti diteruskan. Sabtu lepas sempat pergi Putrajaya. 2 jam lebih kasi statement. They cant promise much, but it feels better to be doing something about it.

Will try to update more often this week.
How are you guys doing?


NN said...

doing good...
coming here during weekend but loks like u r not at home..
bizi weekend hah..??

hope, then followed with doa...
that s nice...

eat a lot arrr...
bagus bagus bagus...

u work really hard babe..
dont u feel tired..?

Ziana said...

mkn pon ek..

jaga kesihatan kak anne!

anne said...


weekend ni?..hopefully tak busy sangat boleh rest..

kerja sendiri babe, kena work hard sikit...last yr i had plenty of 'down time', dah cukup rest...

anne said...

ziana...makan tak healthy ada la, bulan ni tak nak makan cake lagi dah!!!

i will, thanks.

MOLY said...

Alhamdulillah ....
Mmg org kata tahun 2008 bawak ong laa kan ..
Rezeki for u pon makin bertambah .. which is good for everybody


dan paling bagus sebab u makan .. jangan tak makan ok

awak tuh lidi !!

hik hik ~

take care dear

akupunyahal said...

seems ur business makin bagus...

anne said...

lily...eeee, tak suka la panggil lidi:-P

hopefully la rezeki bertambah, still too early to say

anne said...


belum lagi la...some positive opportunities yg hopefully will materialise

Miss Nazla said...

mine a bit slow this week. no tests, no quizzes. freeeee huhu

anne said...

naz, suka la tu...enjoy while you can.

Anonymous said...

Halley: Insha Allah dapat rezeki baru....