Friday, June 08, 2007


About 8pm last nite, a friend i'm supposed to meet up for dinner with called to cancel, his auntie and his sister's father in law passed away.

About 10pm, my mom called. My dad's cousin passed away. I hope Dad wont be too upset. He's surviving many of his younger cousins. Dad's 76 this year, Alhamdullilah.

About 7am, got an sms from Jill. Her dad passed away this morning in Kelantan. My deepest condolences goes to Jill, Lizzie n family.

My prayers goes to my uncle and Jill's Dad - semoga rohnya diberkati Allah, dan ditempatkan bersama orang orang yang beriman. Amin.


hOtMaMa said...

takziah & al-fatihah..

anne said...

terima kasih hotmama!